Anti-ESG State Legislation Tracker & Analysis

Republican state legislative attacks on responsible investing continue, weakened and reshaped by their costly reality and a year of continued opposition

The 2024 Statehouse Report highlights the major decline in anti-ESG proposals in becoming law this year, as just six laws passed out of the 161 considered in 2024. Two of these laws were originally introduced in 2023. This stands in contrast to the 23 bills that became law in 2023. The slowdown in legislative success reflects the diverse, broad coalition of business leaders, bankers associations, trade groups, environmental advocates, and public workers who opposed these bills.

These bills seek to weaponize the management of state funds to keep capital flowing into risky industries, such as fossil fuels and firearms. They also seek to shape the private sector’s ability to respond to important risk factors, like climate change and corporate labor violations. Pleiades has tracked this trend since 2022.

Read the report here.

Since 2022, Pleiades Strategy has monitored ongoing state legislative attacks on the freedom to invest responsibly in order to help stakeholders understand the evolving anti-ESG policy landscape.

Our regularly updated Live Anti-ESG Legislation Tracker contains all bills and laws from 2021-present.